lontong balap surabaya
University of Computer Studies,Meiktila Faculty of Computer Science – University of Computer Studies, Meiktila

Faculty of Computer Science


The faculty of Computer Science’s mission is to lead in computer science research and education that has real-world impact — to push the frontiers of the field and produce the next generation’s leaders and produce the local development applications using IT.


  • To provide required computer science related knowledge and education
  • To practically practice the students the theory and algorithms with real world problems
  • To explore new directions and innovative ideas to the students as well as teachers
  • To train the students to be intellectual, wise and strong
  • To promote quality of teaching, learning, research, and management by using ICT effectively

Our faculty areas of expertise include programming languages, natural language processing, geographic information system scientific computing, and high assurance computing. We organized our faculty with university Distinguished Professors, and extremely active and competitive lecturer, assistant lectures and student organizations.

Our CS faculty trains students to be world class problem solvers, team players, and logical thinkers. Our curriculum exposes students to a wide range of computing areas. Courses range from design and analysis of algorithms, the design and analysis of large-scale software systems, artificial intelligence, and cyber security. Our students participate in activities outside of class, which include research experience, internships and community outreach.

Dean of Faculty

  • Dr. Thidar Win – Professor – Ph.D(IT)


  • Daw Aye Aye Moe – Associate Professor
  • Daw Thindi Aye – Associate Professor
  • Daw Khin Thu –  Associate Professor
  • Daw Theint Thu San – Lecturer
  • Daw Saw Win – Lecturer
  • Dr. San Pa Pa Aung – Lecturer
  • Daw Su Sandar Phyo – Lecturer
  • Daw May Phyo Aung – Lecturer
  • Daw Myo Su Naing – Lecturer
  • Daw Khin Phyu Thant – Assistant Lecturer
  • Daw Thin Thin Swe – Tutor
  • Daw Aye Chan Pyae – Tutor
  • Daw Pyae Pyae Phyo – Tutor
  • Daw Poe Ei Ko Ko – Tutor