lontong balap surabaya
University of Computer Studies,Meiktila October 2023 – University of Computer Studies, Meiktila

Faculty of Information Science


  • To produce qualified computer scientists and professionals
  • To practice the students to be qualified to their corresponding subjects


  • To apply student-centric education system
  • To train the students’ knowledge and education with practical, tutorial and project assessments
  • To make sure the teachers of Faculty of Information Science to finish all the courses and practical test as schedules

Dean of Faculty

  • Dr. Khine Khine Zin – Professor – Ph. D. (IT)


  • Daw Khin Kyithar Win – Associate Professor
  • Daw Khin Htay – Associate Professor
  • Daw Zin Mar Naing – Lecturer
  • Dr. Kyaw Ei Ei Swe – Lecturer
  • Dr. Khin Myat Kyu- Lecturer
  • Daw Pan Ei Phyu Maung- Lecturer
  • Daw Thwe Thwe Win – Assistant Lecturer
  • Daw Thuzar Htet – Assistant Lecturer
  • Daw Naw Hee Phaw Aye Kyu – Assistant Lecturer
  • Daw Zin Wai Wai Tun – Tutor
  • Daw Soe Thiri Ko – Tutor

Faculty of Computer System and Technologies


Quality Education for Change ,Peace and Progress and Innovative education for a knowledge, pioneering, and global society.


To provide a holistic and empowering education system that enables all students to realize and appreciate fully their inheritance and potential contributing to a peaceful and sustainable National Development.

Dean of Faculty

  • Dr. Thin Thin Hlaing – Professor – Ph.D(CHT)


  • Daw Moe Moe Thein – Associate Professor
  • Daw Nyein Nyein Hlaing – Associate Professor
  • Daw Win Ei Hlaing – Lecturer
  • Daw Moe Moe San – Lecturer
  • Daw Kyi Kyi Sann – Tutor
  • Daw Sein Si Yadanar – Tutor

Faculty of Computer Science


The faculty of Computer Science’s mission is to lead in computer science research and education that has real-world impact — to push the frontiers of the field and produce the next generation’s leaders and produce the local development applications using IT.


  • To provide required computer science related knowledge and education
  • To practically practice the students the theory and algorithms with real world problems
  • To explore new directions and innovative ideas to the students as well as teachers
  • To train the students to be intellectual, wise and strong
  • To promote quality of teaching, learning, research, and management by using ICT effectively

Our faculty areas of expertise include programming languages, natural language processing, geographic information system scientific computing, and high assurance computing. We organized our faculty with university Distinguished Professors, and extremely active and competitive lecturer, assistant lectures and student organizations.

Our CS faculty trains students to be world class problem solvers, team players, and logical thinkers. Our curriculum exposes students to a wide range of computing areas. Courses range from design and analysis of algorithms, the design and analysis of large-scale software systems, artificial intelligence, and cyber security. Our students participate in activities outside of class, which include research experience, internships and community outreach.

Dean of Faculty

  • Dr. Thidar Win – Professor – Ph.D(IT)


  • Daw Aye Aye Moe – Associate Professor
  • Daw Thindi Aye – Associate Professor
  • Daw Khin Thu –  Associate Professor
  • Daw Theint Thu San – Lecturer
  • Daw Saw Win – Lecturer
  • Dr. San Pa Pa Aung – Lecturer
  • Daw Su Sandar Phyo – Lecturer
  • Daw May Phyo Aung – Lecturer
  • Daw Myo Su Naing – Lecturer
  • Daw Khin Phyu Thant – Assistant Lecturer
  • Daw Thin Thin Swe – Tutor
  • Daw Aye Chan Pyae – Tutor
  • Daw Pyae Pyae Phyo – Tutor
  • Daw Poe Ei Ko Ko – Tutor

Information Technology Support and Maintenance Deparment


Quality Education for Change ,Peace and Progress and Innovative education for a knowledge, pioneering, and global society.


  • To provide a holistic and empowering education system that enables all students to realize and appreciate fully their inheritance and potential contributing to a peaceful and sustainable National Development.

Head of Department

  • Daw Ni Ni Khaing – Associate Professor


  • Daw Thida San – Associate Professor
  • Daw Thae Thae Han – Associate Professor
  • Daw Yu Mon Win Myint – Lecturer
  • Daw Su Mon Ko – Assistant Lecturer
  • Daw Win Myat Thuzar – Assistant Lecturer
  • Daw Hsu Pan Thaw – Assistant Lecturer

Natural Science Department (Physics)


  • To apply theory in realistic
  • To train the students’ knowledge and education with practical, tutorial and project assessments


  • To rise expert computer engineers
  • To coach constructive and experiment subject for the students

Head of Department

  • Dr. Nay Myo Tun – Professor


  • Daw Yamin Thawtar Aung – Associate Professor
  • Daw Tin Tin Han – Associate Professor

Natural Language Department (Myanmar and English)


  • Teaching IELTS can help students to study IT and computing more widely in abroad.
  • The reason to teach IELTS is to improve students’ four skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • IELTS takes students through all parts of the English exam.
  • Teaching IELTS will help learner in both English exam and life at University.


  • To get in touch with productive and receptive language skills.
  • To increase students’ level of language accuracy and academic vocabulary from studying IELTS.

Head of Department

  • Daw Thein Thein Htwe (Myanmar) – Associate Professor
  • Daw  Nay Zin Win (English) – Associate Professor


  • Daw Thin Mar Oo – Assistant Lecturer
  • Daw Thiri Nwe – Tutor
  • Daw Amy Aung Myint – Lecturer
  • Daw Tin Zar Lwin Aung – Assistant Lecturer

Administration Department


Administrative and student Affairs develops and maintains the university’s sound teaching and internal control structure in alignment with best strategic plan, policy.We emphasize a service-oriented, team approach to providing teaching assistances,information, systems, and policies that meet fiduciary and regulatory responsibilities, address the operational needs of the University’s departments, and serve the needs of our students, parents, alumni, fellow employees, and sponsors.


The mission of all Administrative Services units is to provide essential services supporting UCS(MTLA) in its pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, and public service.


Personal Information

Dr. Hlaing Phyu Phyu Mon

Degree Type Ph. D. (IT)
Rank  Pro-Rector
Faculty Administration Department

Head of Adminstration Department

  • Dr. Wai Moe Kyaw


  • Daw Marlar Thin
  • Daw Nwet Yin Win
  • Daw Khaing Thwe Oo
  • Daw Tin Tin Nwet
  • U Aung Myint Myat
  • Daw Yin Min Aye
  • Daw Moe Moe Khing
  • Daw Marlar Kyi
  • Daw Su Su Aung