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University of Computer Studies,Meiktila Fresher Welcome – University of Computer Studies, Meiktila

Fresher Welcome

The word fresher welcome points towards Fresher’s i.e. the event organised for fresher’s. This event is organised by senior students to have a good communication with the juniors and to welcome the juniors in their university. This event will have a full day event in a university. Juniors will have to perform and show their talents.

In University of Computer Studies (Meiktila), the fresher’s welcome ceremony of 2018-2019 Academic Year was held on 3rd January, 2019. The ceremony was held with the following agenda.
1. Welcome Speech by Rector, Dr. Mie Mie Khin
2. Welcome Speech by One of Senior Student
3. Thankful Speech by One of Junior Student
4. Entertainment Programs
At the end of the event seniors will give the tag of Mr.Fresher, Mrs. Fresher, King, Queen, Best Catwalk Awards, Personality Awards, The Whole King and The Whole Queen Awards to the best performer of the day.